Saturday, March 22, 2014

I played around with a couple of ideas for this months MATS class theme; jelly. 
 And in the end I went back to my first idea, flying jelly.  
I think I like it... mostly. I wanted to do a main pattern and a couple of secondary patterns. Individually I think they are good but they don't completely hang together are a group. Shady chevron in the middle is the outlier. 
This month was much better than last month.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Jelly fabric design

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The tightrope walking jelly head.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I'm trying a different style from yesterday.  I'm calling it Texture Jellies, because I haven't used a lot of textures in my previous work.  The texture source is courtesy of a pre-schooler's tempera painting.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Actually I'm not crazy about my cuckoo clock image from a couple of weeks ago.  Too conservative, too expected, too too... So this idea just popped up in the wee morning hours.  
I'm calling it Cuckoo Jello Clock.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Jell-O dirigibles?  I hope so.  Right now they look more like parachutes. Nothing wrong with parachutes though.  I'm loving the fantasy of it. Floating Jell-O. Maybe there is a whole-nuther world to be found.

My latest sketch for MATS  class.  Tbhis is the idea that woke me up at 1:30 this morning. Dirigible Jellies.  I can see this working into lots of other images. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pastel Leaves

Scattered Leaves.  A color and pattern study.  I'd like to say it was quick, but I did fuss with it and find a color way that seemed new to me.  Looks kind of retro.
Also, I had to look up the spelling. Seems that leaves is still the plural of leaf, but it may be considered out of style by the end of the week.